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Marks after stripping

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 2:58 pm
by OldAngler
I recently bought Speedia knowing in advance that the paint was in poor condition.

I have stripped the paint using Dettol and a toothbrush and spent several hours rubbing down with fine and extra fine wire wool. There are grey marks on the surface of the Aluminium. See photo.

Three questions:
1.Is this the best I can hope for and I have to accept this finish?

2. Do I need to rub down further with wire wool?

3. Is there an easier, possibly chemical, method of removing these marks?

Thank you, Old Angler


Re: Marks after stripping

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 4:15 pm
by Catfish.017
Yes that looks like pitting of the metal surface. Not much you can do other than removing metal.

Re: Marks after stripping

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 2:38 pm
by OldAngler
I decided to persevere with 600 grade wet and dry sandpaper and steel wool.
The final result is not perfect but 'satisfactory' and I am happy with it. It is certainly better than it was.
Oddly the back plate, which had the worse marks, has come up cleaner than the drum.