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Record Eel

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:19 am
by Taprobanes
I wonder if any forum members have been present at a venue for the the capture of a British record fish, I say this because many years ago I was fishing a three day stint with a pal on Kingfisher lake near Ringwood in Hampshire, a day ticket water at that time, and was there for the capture of the record Eel, the record stood for many years.
The lad who caught it, I think his name was Terry but not sure now, was maybe around 20 years of age and was doing a long session together with his dad, although I never witnessed the actual landing as we were some way away from their swim, I had quite a long chat with them both later.

Re: Record Eel

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:38 am
by Shaun Harrison
That would be Stephen Terry's 11lb 2oz fish. You are very fortunate to have been on the same water at the time.

Here is a picture of it before the press were called in. Most of the pictures published of it at the time were with Stephen in a white Ringwood Tackle T-Shirt.


Although fractionally short of the record at the time I lost a huge pike at Llandegfedd only to watch a friend hook it moments later. It weighed over 43lb and despite being fortunate to witness quite a lot of freshwater fish larger than this that one pike is still the most impressive fish I have seen in my life. Everything about it was huge, its eyes, its fins, everything. Carp when very large tend to simply sit higher off the ground when on the bank and carry their extra weight in their shoulders. That Pike was simply big everywhere.

Re: Record Eel

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:50 am
by Taprobanes
Good heavens Shaun, that must have been a sight to see, my largest pike was 23lbs from Ewhust Park lake and caught late evening on dead bait float tackle, it was pitch dark by the time it came to the net (landed by cars headlights) and I was too scared to unhook it, my fishing buddy had to do it. I remember seeing people gaffing pike in that era, horrible

Great photo of the lad, how did you get it? but yes always remember that, It was a great lake stuffed with huge carp and tench but never over fished, the owner had a club house on site there and can I recall he wanted to sell shares in the place, don't know anymore only that the day tickets stopped some time later.

Re: Record Eel

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:58 am
by Shaun Harrison
I have a rather large photographic library but the picture above was used as the back cover picture on one of Brian Crawford's eel fishing books. Fishing for Big Eels.


The first Eel fishing book I ever purchased was written by Brian also...


I love that cover picture.

Re: Record Eel

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:12 am
by Taprobanes
I used to live in Hammersmith as a lad and a family friend had a houseboat moored near the Blue Anchor pub on the river near Hammersmith bridge, he used put down an eel trap and catch a few from time to time but I never had any luck fishing for them off his boat there, I had a few from the Arun near Arundel years ago. tried there later years but only boot laces, my best eel was taken fishing for perch in Teddington weir on the thames.