The Collectors Register.

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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by Bob Brookes »

Get typing Bob!
Good to hear that you are still around and interested in the old gear. You were indeed a trailblazer for us traditional/old buffs!
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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by Loop Erimder »

Most interesting and do please type away. I've attended the last 4 redditch tackle fairs and have spent a few pounds :whistle: I'm already saving for November

Also a super place to meet up with fellow TFFers
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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by RedditchTackleFair »

An article I wrote a good while back regarding the formation of the National Vintage Tackle Fair.

It must have been about three and a half years ago that two enthusiasts in the field of vintage fishing tackle collecting got their heads together and decided to form a club for the benefit of like minded individuals.

The Collectors Register was formed and for the princely sum of two pounds worth of postage stamps you would receive six newsletters a year, each one full of hints, information and items both for sale and wanted by other members.

The advertisements in the newsletter were followed by a contact name and telephone number only, thus maintaining a certain amount of security for the vendor. Full details could then be exchanged once a deal had been done.

All the hours of research and the time to physically construct the newsletter was fitted in around the full time jobs of both the club founders, Bob Turner, a Police Officer and Bob Bray, a dairy operative, who both came up against all sorts of obstacles in the earlier days of the project.

Trying to twist two pounds from some of the initial members, and getting people to believe they were doing this for the benefit of others without making a profit were just two of the hurdles to cross.

As time passed however word got around and more people made contact to find out ' what these two were up to? ' and, as the membership grew it became obvious that the cost for producing the newsletter would have to become more realistic. The stamps idea went out of the window and a proper annual membership was determined.

It was noticeable that the interest in collecting either angling equipment or literature was bigger than first thought. Specialists in Hardy Brothers, Allcock and Company, and J.W.Young reels were out there together with experts on cane rods, angling books and even someone who collected empty hook packets. Across the Country were individuals each with their own treasures, and some not even aware that down the road was another collector with even more of it.

By now the telephone was buzzing from Weston Super Mare to Glasgow, from London to Llanfihanger-Ar-Arth. Postpersons' - is that the correct term nowadays? , up and down the Country were lugging big boxes of books and fishing tackle up and down driveways. The club had become a success.

What was needed now was a place where all these individuals could meet, bringing along some of their collections in order to do deals face to face. - The National Vintage Fishing Tackle Fair was born.

The venue just had to be Redditch, after all, the majority of fishing tackle being collected had been made there at one time or another, plus it was centrally positioned for travelling purposes. After deciding on a date which didn't coincide with auctions, work and wedding anniversaries, the hall was chosen and the arrangements set in motion. Once again the telephone network took a hammering along with the post office as feelers were sent out to all members and other contacts. We needed to get forty stalls filled, advertise the event, pay for it and then ensure enough people came to see it, hoping they would spend lots of money and make the event special.

October arrived and when the ' two Bobs ' arrived at the venue - The Abbey Stadium - at 7am on a cold wet morning, to see traders waiting in the car park for the doors to open, the realisation that something great was about to take place sunk in. The hall was opened and in they came, within an hour the place was full of rods, reels, stuffed fish, books, paintings, in fact everything you could imagine was sitting on one table or another. All we needed now was the public.....

We decided we would open officially at 11a.m. but by 10.15a.m. the place was heaving - that was when the ' other entrance door ' was discovered!. All day new faces came in, bundles of cane rods were seen being carried from one table to another, the owner trying to find a buyer. The whirring of a centrepin could be heard across the general hubbub in the hall, the smell of damp, garage stored, canvas bags with hidden reels from a bygone age - the residents of Redditch had answered the call. Just what was wanted, the fishing tackle was coming home. !

As the day progressed I was able to relax and enjoy the fair, all the hard work had been worth it in the end, we had proved we could do it. The day didn't pass without one small crisis or another, such as where did we put the raffle prizes? why didn't we get more stewards? On the whole however everything went well and it ran as smooth as a well tuned Aerial. Already in our heads we were organising the ' 2nd National ', this one would be in the Summer, on a Sunday.

The feedback from all those involved in the first meet was very encouraging, everyone had made profit, and a lot of them had purchased quality items of fishing tackle from the visitors. What we needed to know was how we could make the next event even better.

Chris Sandford, the vintage tackle journalist for the Angling Times suggested we should use the talents of auctioneer Neil Freeman - each stallholder being asked to donate an item to the Fair. All the ' lots ' would then be displayed in the hall and at a set time, auctioned off. The proceeds going to the Angler's Conservation Association.

I must admit that although I liked the idea I had my reservations, having had the experience of trying to milk two pounds worth of stamps out of members a while back how would I be able to scrounge some donations. I needn't have worried, when the May Fair came round everyone had coughed up and the table was bowing under the strain. By the time the final lot was sold over £686 had been raised, a tremendous gesture from some very generous people.

When it comes to looking after their sport then anglers take a lot of beating.

The ' 2nd National ' turned out to be just what we had wished for, we had learned a few lessons from the first attempt and the changes we made were in the right direction. Collectors from Holland, Belgium and the United States turned up and spent a fortune!

Our small acorn had overnight turned into a solid oak with branches stretching across the World, Chris Ball, journalist and carp historian, was in attendance proudly showing some of his collection of Richard Walker memorabilia. He was the man who held the British carp record for nearly forty years after catching a forty four pound carp at Redmire Pool in 1952. To see the rod and reel he had used, together with rare photographs of him in action was very special to a lot of people at the show.

The club and the newsletters have gone from strength to strength, each week the phone rings and a new voice will ask for details on how to join. Recently I was informed by a member that he had received a fax from an Australian collector wanting to know the date of the next Redditch Tackle Fair so he could book his next holiday and come along!

At the moment I am busy drawing up the floor plan for the next show. With just over a month to go all but two of the tables have been sold - I have a feeling we will be over booked this time!

On a personal note, as a result of my involvement in all this I have been lucky to meet some of the great anglers of the present era, Chris Yates, Des Taylor, Bob James and Peter Stone, and the icing on the cake was meeting and having a chat with Mr Crabtree himself - Bernard Venables.

I amassed over three thousand angling books dating back to 1740 including a first edition of The British Angler by John Williamson. Having four sons I can only hope that at least one of them will be interested in angling and the collection will go on from then.

Bob Bray has become a self employed trader, specialising guessed it, fishing tackle and he is having some success in the London area.

I have retired and gone on to other collecting fields, postcards and coins are my new interest. I gave up the National Vintage Fishing Tackle Fair several years ago, handing the reins to the sponsors Neil Freeman. It is still going strong to this day.

If you are wondering what all the fuss is about then go along to Redditch and see for yourself.
Last edited by RedditchTackleFair on Thu May 22, 2014 7:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by Loop Erimder »

Brilliant loved that. :Hat:
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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by TemeLAD »

Superb Bob - a really interesting read and :Hat: to you for starting something very special. Your successors continue to do you proud.

Best wishes

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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by RedditchTackleFair »

If any of you bump into John Andrews or Neil Freeman at the next tackle fair, I did email them both back in February with the following information;

" I was looking through some old copies of ' The Collectors Register ' at home here and i found one relating to the first N.V.F.T.F. which was held in October 1995 at The Abbey Stadium, Redditch.

By my calculation if you have had two fairs a year like we did till the hand over then your next one will be the 40th.

I just thought I would let you know so you can keep a track on it all. "

Not heard anything back from either of them, I just thought it would be good to know for the future...


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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by Arcadia »

Dear Bob

I've just read your post having followed the thread and didn't get the e mail you sent back in February - this might be because since I started organising the Fair back in 2004 - I think - my e mail address has changed. I'd love to see some early copies of the Register if you them - I think we may have passed the 40 mark - I've lost count to be honest but it has been two a year since I started with the exception of one year where we only did one in May. I'm pleased to say that we still have stallholders who have stalled out at every one. It remains an honour and pleasure to put on and is always a convivial day. Please stay in touch you can text me on 07980 274 383. Trust this finds you well. Best regards John (Andrews)

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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by RedditchTackleFair »

Thanks John, great to hear from you and that the Fair is still going strong. I have some, nearly all, of the early Collectors Register mags somewhere, I will have a sort out.

Catch up soon


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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by RedditchTackleFair »

Me with Chris Yates at his cottage a few years ago with the legible manuscript for Casting at The Sun which I bought off him and had bound in leather. My prized possession.

Chris Yates and Bob Turner
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Last edited by RedditchTackleFair on Sun May 24, 2015 10:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Collectors Register.

Post by RedditchTackleFair »

Chris Sandford and Peter Stone at one of the earlier Redditch Tackle Fairs. Chris would run the charity auctions. Peter was a great supporter of the fair.
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