A session with more questions than answers

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A session with more questions than answers

Post by TrentFisher »

Evening Gents,

finally after weekends being taken up helping a family member with their new home I get time to visit my local stretch of the Trent at Colwick.

The river looked in good order ,Perch were to be my quarry.
Allcock's Isis and Delmatic MK Two ,rod and reel for the day.

The shrill of the Kingfisher greeted my arrival at my chosen swim.This particular swim has a willow at each end and shelves off steeply to around 9ft.
I opt to start with a Trent slider ,what with the Isis only being 10ft 6in and due the wall off brambles on the steep bank it makes casting very easy .
All is quiet for the first hour ,I feed red maggots and fish dendra worm on the hook,removing the tip of the tail to release some juices.

Now just a note about the flow in the swim.It appears to be still to slow moving and at times it is,however there is a automatic sluice gate above where I am fishing and canal lock on the opposite bank plus a recently install hydro electric system.All these seem to alter the flow from right to left and vis versa along with the speed .This all adds to an interesting situation regarding feeding the swim and which area to fish .

First bite of the day results in perfectly conditioned perch of around 1lb and soon followed by another ,they both come when the flow is a little stronger.
The swim goes quiet for awhile ,so I now fish a different area of the swim downstream as the current has changed and this results in two missed bites and then followed by another perch falling to three red maggots.I have one more perch on worm .

I decided to change tactics and set up the Isis with a small maggot feeder and continue with worm on the hook.The idea was to concentrate my feed in one area close to the willow at the top of the swim.Third cast and the bobbin fly's up to the butt of the rod and another perch is in the net.
then follows more bites but both fish slip the hook ,which is not normally the case once the perch are feeding properly.

This gets me thinking for my next session,as I am using a small piece of ref rig foam on the shank of the hook which just lifts the worm clear of debris and is counter balanced with a no..4 shot a short distance from the hook.(Archie Braddock tactic)
I am thinking attaching this via a nylon hair away from the hook?
Also as the water is deep straight off the bank I may try some longer rod rests to improve the angle of the rod when using a bobbin indicator and giving a longer drop?
I may also take along a light quiver tip rod I made up from a damaged CTM 13a rod to see how this works?

I do enjoy this type of session which gets you thinking as well as enjoying the surroundings ,the bird song,dragon flies .......oh and the beautiful perch.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.....any suggestions greatly received

All the best

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Re: A session with more questions than answers

Post by Marc »

Possibly the rig foam is bumping the hook, or the perch are feeling the weight of the number four before the bite registers on the float tip. Maybe try a smaller piece of worm and hold back a little to keep it off the bottom, or fish with it under depth. You don’t mention the size of hook, but I’d assume a 10? I used to use 10 & 12’s in a fine wire for worm float fishing. I’d hold the worm on with a short piece of red elastic band (the kind discarded by postmen) acting as a little flash of colour.

I find the bigger perch get, the more canny they are when taking a bait. I usually start experimenting after I’ve can’t a handful of fish using tried and tested methods. It’s certainly confidence building and now some of those experiments are my tried and tested methods.
Marc. (Prince of Durham)

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Re: A session with more questions than answers

Post by TrentFisher »

Hi Marc,

had a return session yesterday.
I used the quivertip.Rig was a small black cap maggot feeder (running) 18" hook length size 12 hook.I attached the piece of foam via a clear silicon type boilie attachment which is hooked on to the bend of the hook.(I can't even remember where I got them from) but they did the trick and a good number of perch to 2lb kept me busy during my 4 hour session.Dendra worm the bait of the day.Red maggots in the feeder.


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