A tale from the rear end....

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A tale from the rear end....

Post by John_Moore »

February of this very year as you all know and was if I remember rightly was one of the wettest on record so the couple of times I was going to the river was a washout so it was the first week of March when I finally set foot back on the banks of the Ribble.
I arrived at the farm, parked up the van and as the sun was coming up over the distant hills I put my basket of tackle over my shoulder and picked up my rod and landing net .
As I made my way around the hedgerows towards the river bank I was contemplating where to fish first, shall I start at one of the bends of the river and work my way up stream or go to my favourite willow tree pitch. It all depends on the flow and how high the river is.
Arriving at the bankside and walking downstream the landscape along the river bank had changed somewhat in the three weeks since my last visit, the water level was looking good and the flow was moderate so the willow pitch it was.
After setting up the hand built 10ft split cane barbel rod, Mitchell 304 reel loaded with 10lb line I made my way down the bank to the riverside with some loose feed and luncheon meat for the hook, that's right I use the rolling meat method, a piece of plasticine a foot and a half from the hook, an underarm cast into the faster channel and let the bait roll along with the flow.
After 20 minutes or so a very happy angler had a nice condition 4lb plus chub in the net.
I spent about another half hour at the swim but there was nothing showing so I decided to go up stream to a sandy bend where the water ran a bit slower.
20 minutes later after my walk across the fields I clambered down the steep slope to the bank of the river.
The sun was out, birds were chirping away and I could hear a woodpecker tapping into a tree from the woodland on the far bank of the river.
I threw out some loose feed and a few pieces of luncheon meat then cast out into the flow of the river, lovely.
After 10 minutes or so I thought I'll pour a coffee from the flask and have a smoke so setting the clutch on the reel I put the rod in its rest and turned round for my bag, low and behold to my horror half way up the bank behind me there was half a sheep sticking out of the bank, yes it was the rear half, the front half was buried into the muddy bankside.
I guess, (yes it was dead) it had gotten itself into some trouble when the river in flood during February.
Anyway that was the end of that....I did try a few more swims but didn't catch anything else on that eventful day.
All the very best to everyone and hopefully getting out on the glorious 16th?

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Re: A tale from the rear end....

Post by Santiago »

I've heard it's good luck to find a rotton carcass lodged in a river bank or in weeds, so long as its stationary. Fish downstream and you'll catch plenty.
"....he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy"


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Silver Bream
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Re: A tale from the rear end....

Post by John_Moore »

Thanks Santiago that's very encouraging.

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Dave Burr
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Re: A tale from the rear end....

Post by Dave Burr »

That sounds like the perfect day out for some Welsh people :Chuckle:

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