A Perch, almost!

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A Perch, almost!

Post by Catfish.017 »

The pickings have been rather lean of late, although last Friday a three pound Zander took my desperation offer of a double maggot on a size 20 at Fradley Junction on the canal.That livened up an otherwise dour day. After struggling at a usual "Dead Certain" canal venue yesterday, I decided to revisit the Junction this morning mind ful of the approach of Storm Barra. Again it was hard despite starting immediately on the very light gear and maggot. A couple of balls of fine mash and a sprinkling of maggots usually sparks some life on the hardest of days. Well over an hour in I was gathering up bits and bobs preparing to backtrack some yards to where I had noted some coloured water pouring in below the bottom lock. Suddenly there came a slight nudge on the quiver tip; I waited a little while then twitched the bait a couple of inches. A more positive pull saw me finally attached to a fish of reasonable size. A few dull gold flashes 'winked' up from the depths then a vividly striped flank rolled on the top before diving and parting company! About a pound I would guess. Ah well not quite a blank. The rain came soon after sending me scuttling for home and hot Coffee!

PS. Walking Bertie the Bulldog around 3pm the day had a much better feel to it, the wind had dropped and a weak Winter sun was peeking through. I hurried Bertie around his walk and was over the canal with rod for the last forty minutes or so of daylight. My chosen spot failed to produce and moreover a carpet of fallen leaves drifted in making fishing difficult. I moved back to the bridge where a cast close to the brickwork usually throws up a Perch or two. Not this time but as I turned to leave I spotted a couple of little Roach rising in the gathering dusk. A cast over the spot and a four ounce Roach was mine followed by one a little smaller. I went home happy!

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Re: A Perch, almost!

Post by Troydog »

Well done Catfish. 017, , you have to be in it, in order to win it. Sometimes it is just catching something that matters. I cant explain why, but there will be plenty of opportunities to nip out for an hour or two on a very turbulent river in the next few days -no idea what will happen, but I will be happy whatever…. Just like you
Trouble is, the fish just don't read the books......
John Harding

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Re: A Perch, almost!

Post by Catfish.017 »

Yes it's a big advantage to have fishing on your doorstep Tim. Hopefully one of those opportunities will come up trumps for you.

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