Blustery afternoon on the Trent

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Blustery afternoon on the Trent

Post by TrentFisher »

Sorry in advance for no photos ........I forgot to put the camera in the rucksack !

I had some spare time today ,so I spent the afternoon on my local stretch of the Trent.
I decided to finally try out a old CTM 12 which I had converted in to a feeder rod due to damage to the tip and butt section (a fellow fisherboy was going to bin it) earlier in the year.The top has had a quiver tip spliced into it and the butt has been reduced to a short handle section,the overall length is around 11ft .
The rod was teamed up with a Mitchell 300 and a small 11/2oz open end feeder.The first cast was amde and the whole set up felt really good.
The peg I had chosen was around 8ft deep with a large overhanging willow about twenty yards down stream.I was fishing red maggot and straight from the off I had a steady stream of bites resulting in roach dace and gudgeon.
After about an hour and half the wind had increased and the river had become quite choppy.
I had positioned the rod tip low to the water to avoid some of the winds attention on the tip and this worked as bites were easy to see despite the blustery conditions.
It was at this time I thought I would try something slightly different to see if any perch were at home.The perch on this stretch of river patrol along the margins,with this mind I rebaited with a lobworm tail tipped with a red maggots,filled the feeder with crumb and maggots and gently swung the rig a rod length out into 8ft of water,once it had settled I gave it a tweak ,and within seconds I was playing the first of several perch which came my way during the course of the afternoon,most of the fish were in the 120z-1lb.All were in pristine condition and vibrant colours which we all admire.
The hours had raced by and it was time to go,the whole outing had been a great success and very enjoyable despite the wind trying to spoil the party.
Once back home it was a case of dropping the tackle off and once more back out in to the wind,,,,Fudge the terrior needed his walk,and you guessed it by the time we were back home the wind had calmed down.....happy times.

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Re: Blustery afternoon on the Trent

Post by Loop Erimder »

Well done Trentfisher, something about river perch and their bright red fins, stunning :Thumb:
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Re: Blustery afternoon on the Trent

Post by Mark »

Yes well done.
Mark (Administrator)

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