Red and Gold

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Re: Red and Gold

Post by Gary Bills »

Olly wrote:One club I belong to had rudd to 3lb14oz in recent years. A dammed stillwater.
Then came the surrounding land being used at a golf courses - the 'stuff' used on the fairways & greens killed the lake & rudd almost to extinction!
I think the largest in recent years has been about 1lb8oz.

Big rudd are in both Frenshams - winter or spring fishing just before the 15th March seems to be best - read Duncan Charman's blog.

I have had them to 3lb+ in a French canal - had 3 x 2lb8oz+ fish in 3 casts once - shame it so difficult here for such a beautiful fish.
Southern Irish rivers can be good too - I had an (unweighed) decent one on stick float and maggots, in 1992, from the River Barrow, I believe, if my memory serves me right, and 12 others too on a very hot day.

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Re: Red and Gold

Post by AshbyCut »

Rummaging about in my pictures files, I came across a couple of photos taken in August 2010 whilst staying at an hotel in Shepperton. In the grounds is a small pond, measuring no more than about 60 yards by 25 yards fenced off to prevent any access for safety reasons, I suppose.

I watched, transfixed, and wished that it was near to where I live. I wonder if they are still there.


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Re: Red and Gold

Post by Kingfisher »

You don't tend to come across many rudd in Wales. I do know of a couple of pools containing them. Some were at a house me and Dad painted. I spoke to the owner about thse two small ponds and he said if I wanted too I could fish them but there was only rudd in them.

I never did go and fish them but I know in a small pool about the size of those two, monster roach lived and it was stocked in the 70's like these rudd pools. Perhaps I should ask to go and give them a try again.

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Re: Red and Gold

Post by WildCarpFisher. »


It depends on what you call a specimen Rudd? Fish around/up to two pounds are not too hard to find. But once over this weight and over three pound are rare in my opinion!

I found a water when I was in my early big fish years, never fished and very attractive. My first fish was 2lb 12oz and second 2lb 10oz. John Wilson still has the picture of them I think? I did not take a 3lb fish from the water, but sadly once J.W had taken the pictures, the game was out of the bag. Several big Rudd came from the Norfolk water! Dave Plummer had a 3lb 6oz I witnessed.

I would look at any old estate lakes. They seem to love water of this type for the Chironomids/buzzers that live in the heavy silt, However Matt Hayes took his record haul form a gravel pit?

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Re: Red and Gold

Post by Hovis »

Hi guys, just found this place near me no idea what it's like but it looks nice and contains the all important big rudd

I am planning to give it a go later in the year after I have had a fix of running water. I'll let you guys know how I get on.
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Re: Red and Gold

Post by Pepsi »

Fishing the Thames June last year I hooked a large Rudd around 2 lb mark,often fish this stretch never caught one before or since,was an absolute fin perfect fish and one of my most favourite captures,do the bigger ones become more solitary or was a shoal passing through?


Re: Red and Gold

Post by Blueavocet »

I'm thinking that this summer I might go Rudd mad. They have always been one of my favourite fish, kissed by the sun as you might say.

I live within a dozen miles of the Frensham ponds and the great pond does indeed have some excellent Rudd around. This must be one of the more vulnerable records at the Farnham Angling Club I would say. Now my urge this time is to try a fly rod, floating line, well greased leader and some tied caterpillars lying say 6 inches beneath the surface. I reckon if you just tap the line a few times every minute or two it should look authentic, a wee bug struggling.

Now for a lot of Rudd fishing you do need to wade just a bit there, to get to the edge of the reeds. Its a shallow lake, I know I've sailed it and capsized a few times in a Wayfarer. I suspect that my fly fishing will need to be mid week, not because I might hook a strolling tourist, but so as not to seem too much of a plonker! I mean, I will be casting prospectively and not too often, as lifting the line off the surface will scare fish. I suspect too that you only get one shot at a bigger Rudd this way, so its wait, twitch and pray!

Any of you guys with fly fishing for Rudd experience to share?

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Re: Red and Gold

Post by JerryC »

I have seen rudd, and also barbel, caught on the fly but have no personal experience being limited to (apart from game fish) dace, roach and chub. I believe dace to be the most difficult as they appear to be completely preoccupied with whatever is available at the time and unless you mimic it very well it can be very frustrating - for me anyway...........
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Re: Red and Gold

Post by Tengisgol »

I have an amazing photo here somewhere of a near 3lb fantastic 100% golden rudd that a friend took when we were flyfishing for black bass on the Ebro. It took a two inch imitation fish, dashing about six feet across the surface to crash into it! I will try and find it, neither of us could believe what we saw!
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Re: Red and Gold

Post by Tengisgol »

Blueavocet wrote: Any of you guys with fly fishing for Rudd experience to share? bob
I have flyfished for rudd a fair bit. Don't underestimate how aggressive they can be so they will take a big fly, fished dry or wet. This first photo is a 2lb+ rudd that took a big green mayfly. It came from water with a marl bottom and you can see how washed out the colours are as a result. There are no roach or bream there, just rudd, tench and pike (for the last xx thousands of years). It was great fun, stalking them in a Canadian canoe! They will also take a nymph as well and the usual goldheads/hares ear do the trick.


Just by way of a contrast in terms of colouring, this is another big rudd but from a different lake. This one took a little red worm dangled three inches beneath a piece of peacock quill. Believe it or not, it was the little one in the shoal, the largest being quite possibly twice its size (I saw it very clearly for up to half an hour but it wouldn't come close enough to get a cast at it) and yes it would have threatened the record! Sadly, the lake is no more.


Finally, this is a near 3lb fish from the Ebro that I mentioned earlier and caught by a pal. It was unbelievably aggressive and you can see the lure that it grabbed. If you look closely at its mouth you can see that it had really big and thick/hard lips (ooh 'er vicar!) and I can only assume it was to do with the environment and diet.


Truly wonderful fish are big rudd. If you search Dominic Garnett on the internet you will find his marvellous book and YouTube videos on fly-fishing for coarse fish.

Good luck!
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