Sweet Success....

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Sweet Success....

Post by TrentFisher »

Evening Gents,

I was out for short session (5ish to no longer being able to see my float)on the Trent this evening angling for roach.

The Aspindale Avon was pressed in to service along with a Ambidex mk 6,an old cork slim barrelled avon float would help present the the golden nugget of sweetcorn which may be taken by a plump roach.

My previous sessions had proved successful,but I never take anything for granted,just simply enjoy each moment by the river.

After around quarter of an hour The first positive bite developed and the a silver bar was on its way to the net,a beautiful roach around the 120z mark.A great start to the session.
I continued to feed mashed sweetcorn along with a few whole grains and was rewarded with another 6 roach between 6-12 ounces.The time was now around 6.30 and the prime time was now close as the hour before sunset normally brings the better fish........all went quiet the next 30 minutes fruitless as far as roach,however I was rewarded with the arrival of a kingfisher who made several "fly bys" where I was fishing.They never fail to make me smile.
...Sorry back to the fishing.With around 20 minutes of daylight left there was renewed energy to my fishing and it wasn't long before a plump roach just under the 1lb mark was in the net .What felt a heavier fish was lost on the next trot and then followed two further roach close to a 1lb.

The light had faded and that was it for today ,a most enjoyable adventure and only 40p spent on bait!

Anyone else having success with sweetcorn on the Trent?

Thanks for taking the time to read.

All the best if you out wetting a line this week.

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Re: Sweet Success....

Post by AshbyCut »

Sounds like a lovely session, Sir. Well done. :Hat:
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Re: Sweet Success....

Post by Santiago »

Sounds great. Did you fish the Trent or the Thames?
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Re: Sweet Success....

Post by TrentFisher »

Arrgh it was the Trent.....wrong section!

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