Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Pallenpool »

Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:25 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:17 pm
Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:59 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:05 pm
Duckett wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 12:06 pm OK, two very traditional items here! I was posting a comment in the thread below about Warburtons Toasties when it popped into my head that I had never put either of these things in paste mix and had never read of anyone doing so.

So, ignoring for the moment the fact that a gentleman would require his Gentleman's Gentleman at the bank to apply his Gentleman's Relish to his bread, has anyone ever tried this?
I have used Gentlemen’s relish as a component in a paste bait I trialled way back in the 80’s. I had varying amounts of success to out and out blanks. The trouble with working with strong smelling food stuffs is just that - if a complex bait is being developed using one be prepared for a lot of trial, error and more error. I did before starting use the relish in a bread, tapioca flour and egg mix, which I made into a paste and immersed in boiling water for around 30 seconds allowing the paste to be a tad more robust than not doing so. This basic mix I dismissed eventually as a loss leader with catch rates erratic to say the least.
If you decide to give it a try it would be interesting to read about your results. It would be definitely worth a try.
Thanks for this Pallenpool, it’s a great help. Since posting this I’ve had one go at integrating both Gentlemen’s Relish and anchovy essence into a paste. I honestly don’t think the GR worked and have ditched the idea. AE blended in nicely but didn’t catch anything. I’m going to try AE in paste again. However, I started thinking about this in the context of spreading things inside the various Warburtons pocket breads mentioned in an earlier post. I’m going to give this a go with GR once the river season is underway. I’ll post the results.
These ‘Bread Pockets’ sound rather interesting I will have a look at them when I am next in the not so supermarket.
If you let me know the AE you are using I will trial it as well - 2 to the cause will help if only to realise that the wrong tree is being barked up at. This being said additions to the mix and the strength of the main ingredient all bear witness to a failed or successful bait.
I am rather looking forward to giving this some legs.
The one I had in my cupboard was Geo Watkins Anchovy Sauce, so I used that. I’ve almost run out and, looking around, there don’t seem to be as many options as I recall there being last time I bought a bottle ...... it lasts me ages! I suppose one alternative would be one of the many fish sauces from the Far East as they are all made the same way!
Okey dokey, I will have a look and let you know what I come up with. I would like to try and use the AE as in some way it is creating a little nostalgia - so in no small way and whatever the outcome I have been grateful for your original post. :Hat:
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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Duckett »

Pallenpool wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:17 pm
Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:59 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:05 pm
Duckett wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 12:06 pm OK, two very traditional items here! I was posting a comment in the thread below about Warburtons Toasties when it popped into my head that I had never put either of these things in paste mix and had never read of anyone doing so.

So, ignoring for the moment the fact that a gentleman would require his Gentleman's Gentleman at the bank to apply his Gentleman's Relish to his bread, has anyone ever tried this?
I have used Gentlemen’s relish as a component in a paste bait I trialled way back in the 80’s. I had varying amounts of success to out and out blanks. The trouble with working with strong smelling food stuffs is just that - if a complex bait is being developed using one be prepared for a lot of trial, error and more error. I did before starting use the relish in a bread, tapioca flour and egg mix, which I made into a paste and immersed in boiling water for around 30 seconds allowing the paste to be a tad more robust than not doing so. This basic mix I dismissed eventually as a loss leader with catch rates erratic to say the least.
If you decide to give it a try it would be interesting to read about your results. It would be definitely worth a try.
Thanks for this Pallenpool, it’s a great help. Since posting this I’ve had one go at integrating both Gentlemen’s Relish and anchovy essence into a paste. I honestly don’t think the GR worked and have ditched the idea. AE blended in nicely but didn’t catch anything. I’m going to try AE in paste again. However, I started thinking about this in the context of spreading things inside the various Warburtons pocket breads mentioned in an earlier post. I’m going to give this a go with GR once the river season is underway. I’ll post the results.
These ‘Bread Pockets’ sound rather interesting I will have a look at them when I am next in the not so supermarket.
If you let me know the AE you are using I will trial it as well - 2 to the cause will help if only to realise that the wrong tree is being barked up at. This being said additions to the mix and the strength of the main ingredient all bear witness to a failed or successful bait.
I am rather looking forward to giving this some legs.
Dear Pallenpool,

I’ve just returned from 2 weeks of fishing and tried a number of new ideas, including using Gentleman’s Relish in bread pockets (and between 2 slices of medium bread) punched with a Drennan bread punch, the green plastic one with different sized heads. I was fishing waters with Crucian, Tench, Carp, Bream, Rudd and Roach. The only success I can report when adding the anchovy paste was that it did seem to pick out some larger Rudd. However, I caught nothing else using it. I should add that whilst Crucian, Rudd and Roach were cooperating, the fishing for Bream, Carp and Tench was challenging on all 4 stillwaters I fished. My plan is to try it again on 2 waters I m more familiar with once we have cooler weather and some rain.
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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by MarkG »

I know its not the same thing but on the paste theme I have had some good results using the common spreads in supermarkets mixed with flour into a paste, salmon,shrimp and crab the best ones. Open a jar of salmon paste and there is a nice bit of oil on top and it contains paprika and salt. never got into trying the meaty ones much beef and chicken as the fishy ones worked out well. Carp loved the salmon one in particular, makes a red paste. Tried then on rivers but eels were very attracted to them which was a problem but in an eel free environment worth experiment with and cheap as well at .50p a jar. bream liked them all and I think chub and roach might go for them if you find the right one.

I think there is an Anchovy spread but I never tired it, maybe a bit strong smelling whereas the salmon/shrimp are gentler and those little jars are full of fish attractants!

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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Reedling »

Talking of pastes, we used to fish with a bread paste mixed with a nice tin of Kit e Kat, I fished mainly for Bream that loved it but the Carp chaps used big balls of it back then. They put a little bit of crust on the bend of the hook to hold the paste on during the cast. I shall have to get a tin of cat food and try it again.

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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Olly »

I have dipped by baits into an olive oil/anchovy paste mix, with success.

Also Belachan which I have used as above for some years. Tinned tuna/anchovies/sardines/etc in the groundbait as well.

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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Pallenpool »

Pallenpool wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:36 pm
Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:25 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:17 pm
Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:59 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:05 pm
Duckett wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 12:06 pm OK, two very traditional items here! I was posting a comment in the thread below about Warburtons Toasties when it popped into my head that I had never put either of these things in paste mix and had never read of anyone doing so.

So, ignoring for the moment the fact that a gentleman would require his Gentleman's Gentleman at the bank to apply his Gentleman's Relish to his bread, has anyone ever tried this?
I have used Gentlemen’s relish as a component in a paste bait I trialled way back in the 80’s. I had varying amounts of success to out and out blanks. The trouble with working with strong smelling food stuffs is just that - if a complex bait is being developed using one be prepared for a lot of trial, error and more error. I did before starting use the relish in a bread, tapioca flour and egg mix, which I made into a paste and immersed in boiling water for around 30 seconds allowing the paste to be a tad more robust than not doing so. This basic mix I dismissed eventually as a loss leader with catch rates erratic to say the least.
If you decide to give it a try it would be interesting to read about your results. It would be definitely worth a try.
Thanks for this Pallenpool, it’s a great help. Since posting this I’ve had one go at integrating both Gentlemen’s Relish and anchovy essence into a paste. I honestly don’t think the GR worked and have ditched the idea. AE blended in nicely but didn’t catch anything. I’m going to try AE in paste again. However, I started thinking about this in the context of spreading things inside the various Warburtons pocket breads mentioned in an earlier post. I’m going to give this a go with GR once the river season is underway. I’ll post the results.
These ‘Bread Pockets’ sound rather interesting I will have a look at them when I am next in the not so supermarket.
If you let me know the AE you are using I will trial it as well - 2 to the cause will help if only to realise that the wrong tree is being barked up at. This being said additions to the mix and the strength of the main ingredient all bear witness to a failed or successful bait.
I am rather looking forward to giving this some legs.
The one I had in my cupboard was Geo Watkins Anchovy Sauce, so I used that. I’ve almost run out and, looking around, there don’t seem to be as many options as I recall there being last time I bought a bottle ...... it lasts me ages! I suppose one alternative would be one of the many fish sauces from the Far East as they are all made the same way!
Okey dokey, I will have a look and let you know what I come up with. I would like to try and use the AE as in some way it is creating a little nostalgia - so in no small way and whatever the outcome I have been grateful for your original post. :Hat:
It’s been awhile now since my last post. I have had where the opportunity has arisen to trial the bait and in brief the results were patchy - the conclusion either far more time on the bank or the bait needs some refinements.
Interestingly the thread has picked up some further suggestions which are all proven baits - the belachan in particular was a much used additive in the 70’s & 80’s and accounted for some super catches - however with regards to your original post the jury is out - have you had any joy since your last post?
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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Duckett »

Pallenpool wrote: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:11 am
Pallenpool wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:36 pm
Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:25 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:17 pm
Duckett wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:59 pm
Pallenpool wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:05 pm
Duckett wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 12:06 pm OK, two very traditional items here! I was posting a comment in the thread below about Warburtons Toasties when it popped into my head that I had never put either of these things in paste mix and had never read of anyone doing so.

So, ignoring for the moment the fact that a gentleman would require his Gentleman's Gentleman at the bank to apply his Gentleman's Relish to his bread, has anyone ever tried this?
I have used Gentlemen’s relish as a component in a paste bait I trialled way back in the 80’s. I had varying amounts of success to out and out blanks. The trouble with working with strong smelling food stuffs is just that - if a complex bait is being developed using one be prepared for a lot of trial, error and more error. I did before starting use the relish in a bread, tapioca flour and egg mix, which I made into a paste and immersed in boiling water for around 30 seconds allowing the paste to be a tad more robust than not doing so. This basic mix I dismissed eventually as a loss leader with catch rates erratic to say the least.
If you decide to give it a try it would be interesting to read about your results. It would be definitely worth a try.
Thanks for this Pallenpool, it’s a great help. Since posting this I’ve had one go at integrating both Gentlemen’s Relish and anchovy essence into a paste. I honestly don’t think the GR worked and have ditched the idea. AE blended in nicely but didn’t catch anything. I’m going to try AE in paste again. However, I started thinking about this in the context of spreading things inside the various Warburtons pocket breads mentioned in an earlier post. I’m going to give this a go with GR once the river season is underway. I’ll post the results.
These ‘Bread Pockets’ sound rather interesting I will have a look at them when I am next in the not so supermarket.
If you let me know the AE you are using I will trial it as well - 2 to the cause will help if only to realise that the wrong tree is being barked up at. This being said additions to the mix and the strength of the main ingredient all bear witness to a failed or successful bait.
I am rather looking forward to giving this some legs.
The one I had in my cupboard was Geo Watkins Anchovy Sauce, so I used that. I’ve almost run out and, looking around, there don’t seem to be as many options as I recall there being last time I bought a bottle ...... it lasts me ages! I suppose one alternative would be one of the many fish sauces from the Far East as they are all made the same way!
Okey dokey, I will have a look and let you know what I come up with. I would like to try and use the AE as in some way it is creating a little nostalgia - so in no small way and whatever the outcome I have been grateful for your original post. :Hat:
It’s been awhile now since my last post. I have had where the opportunity has arisen to trial the bait and in brief the results were patchy - the conclusion either far more time on the bank or the bait needs some refinements.
Interestingly the thread has picked up some further suggestions which are all proven baits - the belachan in particular was a much used additive in the 70’s & 80’s and accounted for some super catches - however with regards to your original post the jury is out - have you had any joy since your last post?
Hi Pallenpool, see my post above of 7th August.
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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Duckett »

MarkG wrote: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:06 am I know its not the same thing but on the paste theme I have had some good results using the common spreads in supermarkets mixed with flour into a paste, salmon,shrimp and crab the best ones. Open a jar of salmon paste and there is a nice bit of oil on top and it contains paprika and salt. never got into trying the meaty ones much beef and chicken as the fishy ones worked out well. Carp loved the salmon one in particular, makes a red paste. Tried then on rivers but eels were very attracted to them which was a problem but in an eel free environment worth experiment with and cheap as well at .50p a jar. bream liked them all and I think chub and roach might go for them if you find the right one.

I think there is an Anchovy spread but I never tired it, maybe a bit strong smelling whereas the salmon/shrimp are gentler and those little jars are full of fish attractants!
Thanks for this. That's a great suggestion. As someone who lived in Yorkshire for 2 years, it also has a cost appeal!!!

Can I ask what proportion of flour to paste you find stays on the hook? I've had a problem with this going back decades!
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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Stathamender »

Duckett wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 7:31 pm
Reedling wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 6:25 pm Funny how something can have two meanings, my wife's mum keeps telling us she loves her morning glory in the garden. :whistle:
I have a Czech friend who teaches, amongst other languages, English to Czech children. She always says that this sort of thing is one of the delights of English, as spoken in the U.K. She always tells her students that English is one of the easiest of languages to learn but can take a lifetime to understand.

At a beer festival many years ago, I tried to explain to her the multiple levels of meaning in a brew from the seaside called Willy’s Old Groyne!
A few years ago my wife and I were given a short lift late one night up a steep hill from the railway station in Corniglia in the Cinqueterre (a lovely place but now completely overrun for most of the year by day-trippers bussed in in huge numbers from the immense cruise ships docking at Genoa and La Spezia). At the entrance to the village was a set of speed bumps and I got a lot of laughs by telling them that in the UK these were known as poliziotti addormentati ('sleeping policemen'). Kind of chimed with general Italian attitudes about the police.

What is your favourite word?
I suspect it could be “love”, despite its drawbacks in the rhyming department.
Björn Ulvaeus

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Re: Gentleman's Relish & Anchovy Paste

Post by Stathamender »

I too have used blachan paste and I also usually have a bottle of Vietnames fish sauce with me when I'm fishing any bread based bait.

What is your favourite word?
I suspect it could be “love”, despite its drawbacks in the rhyming department.
Björn Ulvaeus

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