Stunned into silence...

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Stunned into silence...

Post by Daltons »

It's the summer holidays of 1974. The sound of Slade, Mud and Sparks fill my bedroom on a warm afternoon as I'm engaged in a one-man(boy) subbuteo competition with myself. Southampton FC are about to beat Brazil (or possibly the way kit of Hamilton Achedemicals - can't remember now) in the World Cup Final, when my two fishing mates, Kev and Steve ring the doorbell and less than diplomatically point out I'm wasting my life and what about a wander down the Creedy (Mid Devon farmland trib of the Exe) with the spinning rods?
Fair do's!
"Off down the river, Mum!"
"Ok - better be back for tea, though!"
"Yeah - sure" (not bothering to check what time that might be....)
Now the Creedy was a typical westcountry Stream - very little in the way of coarse fish, but plenty of 3-to-the-pound brownies. These were generally suckers for a dead minnow, threaded mouth to vent with a darning needle , size 12 treble tied on and pulled back to secure the bait - swan shot pinched on at the mouth. This was lobbed into likely-looking holes and trundled back until ...bang! ....if a 7oz brown trout can produce that sort of take....seems unlikely now....

A quick stop with size 18s and bits of worm (kicked out of the bank) at the 'minnow run' in the brook in the 2nd field down, and we were well set with bait for a few hours.

"Where to then?" Kev asked, flicking a Players No. 6 between 13-year-old lips and sparking a Swan Vesta....
"The Lightnin' Tree?" Opined Steve, a year younger, but you'd want him on your team if a scrap with the lads from tied Farm cottages beckoned....
" Nah - we did that last time" I over-ruled . " That big hole down Brown's land where the other Brook comes in".
" We ain't supposed to go down there, mate" Said Steve a tad nervously. " 'E said 'ed tell our dads if he caught us again..."
" You Chicken, then, Perry? " Grinned Kev, blowing a near-perfect smoke ring. " Come on you Pillock - don't be girl all your life!"
That decided it - another raid on the miserable old git's bit of the river, then....
10 minutes later, we crept into position(s) around the Myriad tree roots, the brook trickling in just upstream, and "Splosh! Plop! Splash! " Syncronized minnows hit the water....
"Got one!" yelled Kev. A very nice 12ozer thrashing the surface.
"Keep it down you Spaz!! D'you want Brown down here with that Effin ' dog!?" Hissed Steve - not really enjoying this at all.....
Next chuck for me was a disaster. The line went over a low-lying branch....and the curse of the Interpid Black Prince struck again - as the bail arm engaged the line somehow got behind the spool and round the spindle.....
Rod laid down, I could just reach the offending branch without taking a swim and retrieve the line. Now the spool. Rod tucked under arm, Mercedes Benz badge-style clutch and spool removed - I went to work as Steve to my right helped himself to a 10ozer.
Swearing worse than a sailor under my breath, I completed my intricate task. Right. Time-to-start-FISHING and shut these two muppets up with their "Ha-ha-why-did-we-bring-him" ........Hello!!???
As I took up the slack and lowered the rod trip to rescue my minnow from the snag-strewn bottom - everything went tight . What-the-F....? .......Oh RATS!!'s stuck in a bleddy tree root.. yank yank yank ....Then the bottom pulled back with a power I 'd never experienced before.
Forgetting the slightly delicate nature of our current position vis a vis permission to fish etc. , I screamed for my mates like I'd been cornered alone by the Farm cottage kids.
"What IS it, Mike??" Shouted Kev as he and Steve stumbled quickly to my aid." And for Chrissake keep quiet-OH MY GOD!!"
His eyes followed mine the dark water almost at our feet. There, pulling and thrashing against my bent-double solid glass 6ft spinning rod ..........was the biggest freshwater eel I have still - ever seen.
It was pale grey, as thick as Boxy Strong's (the local Biker gang leader) bicep and - I kid you not - FULLY five of your English feet long. British record?? Phaaa! It was bigger than some of the congers dragged up off the Needles to feature in the pages of our weekly Anglers Mail. I would swear it then and would swear it again today on the biggest stack of bibles you can find.
As we stood there gawping, my arms, legs - whole body- shaking, my treble hook nicked in the top of its mouth, we could see the gill slits actually working behind it's head - who's ever seen that??! it was that big.
It undulated in the dark shady water in front of us, regarding us with its tiny black eyes.......PING!!
My treble flew over our heads into the branches above - and it sank from sight.
In unison we let out the inevitable phrase at top volume - the one that rhymes with "Clucking Bel!!" Followed by Kev voicing what we all thought......" Thank F### for that!!!" If that thing had ended up on the bank I think we would all have jumped in the river!
After what must have sounded like an adrenaline-fuelled swearing contest - our walk home was silent.
The whole incident can't have lasted more than 15 seconds - 20 at the outside - and yet I still occasionally dream about it today.
Obviously- later- full of emergent testosterone and bravado- we returned many times - sometimes armed with Kev's air rifle (for God's Sake! :Chuckle: ) . Of course- we never saw anything like it again.....
"One thing we truly fish for is the occasion for self-congratulation" John Gierach - (The View From Rat Lake)

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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by Catfish.017 »

Great story D, very evocative of boyhood and all its attendant tensions and nuances.

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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by Dave Burr »

A very enjoyable yarn, I was with you all the way.

These encounters do tend to stick in the mind. I once encountered a massive eel whilst saving small fish from a drained salmon ladder. Another of life's ifs, buts and maybe's.

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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by RBTraditional »

Wonderful story I lived every line.... I love big eels. I once hooked and lost a big one whilst edging a dead bait under a float down the inside of the weir overflow at Eldridges lock on the Medway.... I’d been of a similar age to you. Wow the power of the beast has never been forgotten, Kev and I still reminisce over a pint.....
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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by Santiago »

Excellent, you can't beat a big eel storey, pound for pound they fight harder than any other freshwater fish, and your story conjures up something of the adrenaline rush when one battles a big eel. Brought back memories of several battles I've encountered with big Thames eels.
"....he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy"


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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by Gary Bills »

Lovely piece of writing!

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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by Daltons »

Thanks guys! Been wanting to get that off my chest for over 45 years! :secret:
"One thing we truly fish for is the occasion for self-congratulation" John Gierach - (The View From Rat Lake)

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Re: Stunned into silence...

Post by Dom Andrew »

I liked that. I can just imagine it.

Dom. :Hat:

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